Ridgid, preformed pond shells made of molded plastic or fiberglass are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. This page describes the basic installation steps; use these in conjunction with the instructions that come with the shell.
1. Marking the Shell Outline. Place the preformed shell upright in the desired location. Use plumbed stakes or a plumbed bob to transfer the shape of the pond rim to the ground, and mark the outline with a rope or garden hose. Use stakes to keep the hose or rope in place. 2. Digging the Hole. Excavate the hole to conform to the shape of the pond shell, allowing an extra 2 inches around the pond perimeter and 2 to 3 inches in the bottom of the hole. If the shell has shallow-water shelves, cut ledges at the appropriate locations to support them. Remove any rocks or sharp objects; then line the bottom of the hole with 2 to 3 inches of damp sand. Flatten the bottom of the hole with a short board or screed, and then firmly tamp it to provide a stable a stable base for the shell. Make sure you are level in all directions. This can be achieved by placing a 2x4 across the base of the sand.
3. Setting the Shell. Set the pond shell into the excavation, this is usually eaier if you have a partner, and check the height of the rim.It should be one inch above the surrounding ground to prevent runoff from entering the pond. Add or remove soil to achieve this. 4. Leveling the Shell. Place a long, straight 2x4 across the shell rim in several places, check with a level.Pull the shell out if you are not level and make sure you are level before filling the pond with water, otherwise it will be impossible to move.
5. Backfilling Around the Pond. After the shell is leveled, slowly fill it with water. As the water level rises, backfill the hole around the shell with sifted soil or damp sand, tamping it gently with a shovel handle or the end of a 2x4. FILL ALL VOIDS especially around any shallow water levels. Check the rim for level frequently as you go. Do not allow the water level inside the pond to rise above the backfilled earth outside the rim, or else the shell will buldge outwards.
6. Adding Coping. Once the shell is filled, you can conceal the exposed rim with rocks, or overhanging plants. Never let the full weight of the edging rest on the pond rim, because its weight may deform or damage the pond walls. To avoid this use 3 to 4 inch-thick bed of mortar, raised slightly above the lip of the shell. Once the mortar has set scrub it with vinegar to neutralize the lime. Drain the pond, rinse it, and refill it with fresh water. Treat water; add plants and fish; Enjoy you new pond!!