Some Links to Guide You to Other Resources
Johnny's Selected Seeds - Seed producer and merchant of vegetable seeds, medicinal and culinary, herb and flower seeds.
Pond Girl - Retailer of pond supplies and water plants.
Suite 101 - A fun and informative site chocked full of gardening articles and much, much more.
101 Gardening Links - A collection of gardening links.
Garden Net - Links to information for many of your gardening needs and questions.
Garden Community Directory - Garden Directory over 100 Categories to choose from. Plus free news group access for many garden groups, garden zone finder, books, magazines, articles, free pictures and more.
Smith and Hawkins - Provides you with all your natural organic resources and lots of other fun stuff!
Burpee Seeds and Plants - 125 years of experience. - A Cottage Home and Garden Online Magazine providing design ideas, projects, and general interest guides. - A place where you can find Leading garden information, Quality products at the best value and professional service - just ask an expert.