Here you can explore the many different types of water features available to you and how to create and put your own design to work. Whether it's a small, quiet reflecting pool tucked in a far corner of the yard or an elaborate waterscape complete with gurgling fountain, water lilies and fish a well-designed ornamental pond will provide hours of pleasure and most of all relaxation.
Water features bring movement, sound, and peace to a garden. They offer habitats for plants, fish and wildlife, but perhaps above all else, they allow us to control and enjoy one of life's most primitive elements. Endless opportunities are offered with water features, just like in gardens themselves. Our imagination is our only limitation when it comes to pondering new ideas. As with anything, it is all too easy to fall into the trap of over complication when designing with water.

It has never been easier to use water as a design element in your garden. The old, complicated methods of constructing features from concrete and other cumbersome materials have largely been superseded, and with them, much of the expense and maintenance traditionally associated with water features. So there is really no excuse for doing without water--so get out there and start digging!!

Getting Started Pond Styles Type of Pond Installing Liner Ponds
Installing Pre-Formed Ponds Streams/Waterfalls Fountains
Bridges/Stepping-Stones Plants & Fish Pond Care & Repair
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Created by Brian Manderick